
Halloween week came and week in a flurry of things. The night itself was an evening of plastic flowers, face paint and gin.

In other news, my first squeegee arrived. Having had a good look at it, I’ll definitely be buying my next squeegee as handle and blade separately. This way I will hopefully be able to buy a blunt edged blade rather than a square edged one. Personal preference.


 I stretched a couple of screens using some leftover mesh and a staple gun. Lesson learned – the staples need to be close together and parallel or the mesh rips more easily.

I was very careful with my old acetates from 4th year, they were expensive and now they can be a good test before I finalise the new artwork.

I exposed them over at Contemporary Crafts, handily just around the corner from my flat. A light box just large enough for my wee wooden screens, it took the reptile strip bulbs just 3 minutes to expose the artwork. It aint perfect, but it’s good to have them. Printing starts tomorrow.

Constantly reminded of how much stuff you need to screen print today I wrote a final (ish) list of the things I have left to get before I can start:

Sponges, washing up liquid, small buckets, scissors, washing line, pegs, J-cloths, towels, tip-ex, cup hooks, gum strip, marker pens…..

As I said, printing tomorrow.

