
Fork In The Road is an open source creative research project exploring food issues facing Edinburgh’s communities by gathering people together to use our bike trailer kitchens.

Fork In The Road began as a collaboration between Morvern Odling and The Edinburgh Tool Library and is now continuing its work with social researcher, Lisa Nowak.

Over the course of the first two years the project collaboratively reworked the original design with community members, built two bike trailer kitchens and cycled them out into the communities of East, West and Central Edinburgh.

Morvern Odling collaborated with local community organisations to celebrate projects already happening in the area and encourage new participation in urban green spaces. The aim was to engage people in their environment and food cultures through meals, workshops and culinary cycling adventures.

The project published two co-created books of food and flora memories which can be found HERE and HERE

A handbook containing all of the learning and research from the project was published under an open source license and can be found HERE

For current updates on the project from the team visit their Facebook page

Past Media from Fork In The Road

2018 Newsletters:

 #1 – May   #2 – June   #3 – July   #4 – August    #5 – October

Morvern speaking about the project on the Porty Podcast HERE

Morvern delivering the key note speech from the Slow Food Youth Network HERE (20 mins into video)

Images and details of the catalyst project at the 2015 Interactivos by the Media-Lab Prado can be found HERE