
Pod Press grew from the co-production artist in residence role at cultural anchor organisation, WHALE Arts in Wester Hailes, Edinburgh. Coinciding almost exactly with the covid-19 pandemic I focused on supporting and developing the organisation’s lockdown programme and aligned my research into co-production with the focus of the community’s well being.

WHALE’s community has huge variance in access to digital resources and there was strong interest in moving toward physical, printed materials. The product of the residency was the establishment of a new publishing press and risograph studio.

Pod Press continues at WHALE Arts today – give them a visit here

Making Things Happen Together – a conversation starter as manifesto

For the launch Pod Press I collaborated with the permanent programmes at WHALE to publish books and artworks which reflected their group’s creative outputs. This included a compilation of sewing projects, the WHALE Volunteer Handbook, beautiful artwork prints and a bundle of zines on the local woodland.